Transmission: гибель магии

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Потом исправим [the Macnairs]

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Shane Macnair

7 сентября, первая пятница осени.
Праздное столпотворение в баре никак не могло развеселить  и избавить от чувства тревоги ее хозяйку – Шейн Макнейр.  Обычно девушка с удовольствием подхватывала волну веселья, исходящую от посетителей, радовалась с ними концу недели, успешным делам, слушала и давала советы нуждающимся, но не сегодня. Сегодня почему-то у неё слегка тряслись руки, и быстро билось сердце, словно она переволновалась, и в целом было как-то не по себе.
- Гай, может быть тебе не ходить сегодня на работу? – Эта мысль пришла внезапно и оказалась на устах быстрее, чем сформировалась в сознании. – Давай тебе быстренько наколдуем пищевое отравление, пошлем Юджину сову с уведомлением о больничном и проваляемся в кровати весь день? - Конечно, Макнейр не согласился.
- Что? Ночная операция и тебе необходимо там быть? – Шейн отложила тост в сторону. Есть не хотелось, и даже кофе казался безвкусным.  Словно в замедленной сьемке она видела, как Гай одевается, ходит из комнаты в комнату, собираясь на работу, деловой поцелуй на прощание и вот его спина уже скрывается за дверью.  Шейн снова легла спать.
Краски неба стали сгущаться, синева стала особенно насыщенной, солнечные лучи ярче прорезались сквозь легкие облака, когда она снова проснулась.  В тишине дома невыносимо было находиться, поэтому Шейн быстро собралась и вышла на улицу.  Район Чарринг-кросс всегда был оживленным местом, невообразимое количество туристов и местных жителей. Пройдясь через Чайна-таун к Лестер сквер, девушка присела на лавку, но ожидаемого облегчения не испытала. В воздухе так же было душно, как и дома. Пора на работу.
- Дэйв, я сегодня уйду пораньше, хорошо? Да нет, все в порядке, но я не могу избавиться от ощущения, что что-то не так. Бабушкины суеверия и предрассудки, не иначе. – Шейн улыбнулась и стряхнула пепел в мусорный бак, на заднем дворе бара. – Да и толку от меня сегодня мало. – Не то, чтобы ей необходимо было просить разрешения у своего заместителя, но так было правильно.
В предрассветные сумерки на Лестер сквер было восхитительно. Свежий воздух, редкий шорох проезжающих машин, уже потухшие рекламные огни Одеона и десятков кофеин, баров и ночных клубов. В руках остывал горячий кофе и аромат, исходящий от него был таким ярким и живым. Ради этих минут она и приходила сюда вечером, но не нашла их, зато сейчас было так хорошо, что даже на душе стало спокойней. Ещё раз, полюбовавшись городом сквозь смог, Шейн затушила сигарету и поднялась со скамьи.

Дом был так же пуст и тих, как его и оставили. Шейн это совсем не понравилось, поэтому она выхватила палочку и, прошептав пару заклинаний, зажгла все осветительные приборы и включила проигрыватель.  Звуки музыки заполнили пустоту между стен, сплелись со светом и создали такое жизнерадостное настроение, что миссис Макнейр поспешила в центр залы.
- Где же Гай? Юджин вовсю пользуется своей безнаказанностью  и творит,  что пожелает!


Guy Macnair

Guy didn't remember how he got home from the Ministry that night. But by the time he reached home the blood had already stopped dripping from the wound and dried into a copper crust on his face and neck. He didn't care to wash it off or fix the broken nose with some simple curing spell, he didn't worry about the pulsing pain either. His mind was occupied with other things.
What the hell happened to him at the Ministry? It was some sort of a blackout, something unexpected and very familiar at the same time.
He’d had this once, at Hogwarts, when he'd stood over the dead body, licking his father’s blood off his own fingers and laughing childlishly. A short spark of ice-cold white rage, murderous and… yes, mad. But back then he’d welcomed it with joy.
This time the guest came uninvited.
“I’m losing it”.
He was losing the control of himself, and the only person who was able to put a muzzle on the beast’s mug was… well, Eugene. The same Eugene, Guy's closest friend who in a blink of an eye turned into his arch enemy. Talking to him wasn’t an option anymore. They were done. Not forever, of course, no, Guy didn’t think so. But for a while, and that could be a very long while.
He opened the front door and immediately felt a rush of warmth underneath his ribs. It was so good to have somewhere to return to.
He was afraid to wake Shane up, but apparently she wasn't sleeping. The lights were on, and Guy heard music playing in the living room.
Silently he walked in, poured some whiskey into a glass and subsided into a chair. He glanced blankly at his stick, the neusilber wolf's head now covered in Eugene’s blood. Then he raised his eyes on Shane and forced out a smile:
— Hey.


Shane Macnair

What happened? – exclaimed Shane silently. In such situations, and thank Merlin, they happened not often, the lady doesn’t know what to do. It always feels like she has the wind knocked out of her, as if her life suddenly stopped or narrowed until a small dot.  Does she need to gulp for air or allow oxygen to flow naturally in her lungs? Cry about past or rejoice over present?  Go into hysterics or remain calm? Neither was an option. Shane’s heart missed one beat and she forgot to take a breath when she saw her husband, but she didn’t move.  She examined clotted blood on Guy’s face and clothes as if she tried to understand what happened last night.  Guy could simply stumble and hurt himself by a door jamb and then tell tales. Though, honestly, Shane would be pleased with them. But tiredness, fatigue and breakdown made it clear that all these were not an accident.
Can one consider that Macnair is unintentionally negligent to other people? Perhaps.  We live in a world of magic, so trifling injuries can be cured with sorcery. At least you can easily remove blood stains from your shirt. Don’t we promise to take care of each other? Don’t we use as a cover the routine “I’m okay” not to worry our close friends and relatives? But sometimes we have injuries, we don’t want to be cured. Instead we prefer to think about hard minutes again and again, drowning in emotional pain, recollecting every movement step by step, raping brain with self-destroying thoughts. Sometimes we need to feel pain to feel ourselves alive.  But what should others do?
Whisky is a perfect medicine for soul. Guy smiled. With strained smile, of course. Shane got up and came closer. What should she do next? – What, for Salazar’s sake, happened? – Quite whisper. She stopped for a while, she wanted to embrace him to feel his anodyne heartbeats. But Guy was seated in an arm-chair and it was very awkward to hug him. Shane bent forward to him and kissed the man in the corner of his lips. – Hey. Did you save the world?
Don’t act yourself like you notice nothing! – All her life Shane learnt how not to observe. She mastered this skill. In Hogwarts during her school years there were a lot of those who asked for help, but she couldn’t give them a hand, it was restricted and finally they gave up waiting anything from her. Anyway, it was easier for everyone. Alas, now it is still easier for her not to interfere in someone’s business, but it is Guy! She was thrilled with emotions.
Shane sat on the floor, opposite the chair and examined husband’s face once again. From this angle, he, blurred with blood, looked even more impressive.
- Should I ask?


– To be honest, my love, I believe I have indeed saved the world today. Almost. My glorious superior may think otherwise, though, as he not infrequently does… but fuck him.
Guy smirked spitefully and swallowed a gulp of blood that had gathered in his mouth.
‘What a mess’, – he thought to himself. – ’What am I, a Griffyndor first year? Getting into a fist fight like that! How childish! Shame, shame…’
His usual obstinate spirit was slowly returning to him. Seeing Shane, hearing her voice was enough to make him feel better. Her warm breath on his cheek. A fleeting kiss, soft yet slightly painful…
– I wish I could tell you a bedtime story about the most absurd and pathetic fight in the history of the Wizarding World… And one day I shall, I promise. You’ll have a good laugh. Right now, though, all I’ve got is dozens of questions and not a single answer. Something’s going on and I don’t know what it is but it’s a nasty kind of something, that’s for sure.
It's not like he didn't trust Shane or wanted to keep it all secret from her. On the contrary: he wanted to keep her out of this, he wanted to protect her… what from exactly? They hadn’t even found the source of the menace yet. Who was behind all this? Clearly, not those clowns who'd attacked the Ministry!
‘As if the air has become poisonous for all wizards to breathe and now it's just a matter of time...’
However, there was one thing he had to tell her. But not now. Later. The pain was getting annoying.
Guy pulled out his wand, spinned it pensively in his fingers then put it back into his pocket.
– One of my very few vulnerable spots: I’m bad at healing… Would you be so kind and fix me a little bit? – he asked Shane quite humbly. 

[предлагаю далее удариться в флешбек и поностальгировать на тему «как прафесар и шейн вновь внезапно встретились спустя годы после хогвартской битвы»]


It was not ordinary situation, when Shane saw her husband like this, injured, covered with blood and not talkative. – Something serious happened. – Well, obviously did, but Shane meant changes in Guy’s mindset. Something extraordinary surprised him a lot, or, on contrary, something bad, what he expected become true. But in both possible situations, it had such a great impact to Macnair, that he got messed in his thoughts. – What it can be? It was not just wizard fight, than he would just laugh and tell me in accurate details what happened. …Glorious superior .. oh, come on.. it was quarrel with Eugene, wasn’t it? – Shane slightly toughed husband’s fingers. She wanted to take him by hand, but it seems to be painful for him.
-I would be delighted to help you. – murmured Shane in soft voice and took her wand. – Anestesio*! – She tried to sound firm, but with comforting notes, putting her love and caresses inside the healing spell. She saw gold-glittering magic veil shroud the man. She was pleased to see that his tense posture seems to relax. It was not obvious, still Guy was covered with blood and all injuries were left, but all cells that were screaming of pain now were under magic pain-killer effect.
-Hey, I already heard these words. Long - long time ago, still not long enough to forget… but there were dark times, dark for everyone. Nobody understood what happened, what to expect, everyone was frightened to dearth of uncertainty. We got through it, with losses, for sure, with lacerations in our souls, but we did. – Shane talked in gentle manner, with slightly serene voice. – Tergeo*. – Shane was too worried to miss bad injury, especially not easy-observed. – Next day after that nightmare, we finally saw blue sky. We were naked, shivering with pain, crying for fallen friends, but we found courage to move forward. Episkey*. – It was already way less blood than before. Shane continued to heal her darling with smile, that she can be helpful for him. – And a year passed. We all had to learn how to live in a new world and suddenly you met someone from the past. You remember what feelings and thoughts you had when you enter “Candel’s”? – She smiled, because she remembered her thoughts. – NO f**** way! It’s a ghost! I need to stop drinking!

Anestesio! - обезболивающие.
Tergeo -  сильное заклинание, останавливающее кровь из глубоких ран.
Episkey - лечит царапины, ссадины, сломанные носы, разбитую губу.

2,3 года прошло с момента крайнего поста, пездец

Отредактировано Shane Macnair (Feb 20 2018 13:31)

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